Thursday, February 17, 2011

PLEs and Me - Week 2

I've been racking my brain trying to find a new topic of inquiry to focus on during these remaining seven weeks (and beyond). Wendy suggested I stay focused on my crafty endeavors, much like she did with her knitting. I have found that it is wise to follow Wendy's advice. I have decided to look at how I have grown in the last two years as a maker/crafter because of the PCLE (personal crafting learning environment) I have created.

As I mentioned in my last post, I started a personal blog after we were required to start one at work. I actually found that once I started a blog for myself it was a lot easier to write and post information for school. Blogging was no longer a requirement. I now saw it as a way for me to share moments in our school day that most people don't get to see. Now, I'm not sure how many parents actually read my blog. But, the information is there if they choose to. My division head still comes into the classroom at times, but she is also able to keep track of student activity by reading up on my school blog.

The wonderful thing about blogger is that they give you a "next blog" button. I found that by simply going to the next blog I was able to find many people out there in the crafting world. By following links on these blogs I have found projects, tutorials, and inspiration from around the globe.

It has been a goal of mine to make a quilt. I started experimenting with quilt blocks by simply following a tutorial online. Since I'm hand stitching the quilt I started I may never finish, but I'm working on it! I have a closet with a lot of unfinished projects. My mind doesn't like to stay focused on one thing for too long!

I've also signed up for an online sketching class. Drawing is something that I have struggled with for years. I am enjoying the environment of Sketchbook Delight class because, much like this MOOC, I get out of it what I put in.

"But, what about work...isn't this the reason I'm taking this class?!?" I ask myself (though never doubting Wendy). I'm following a series of wonderful blogs and people on twitter. I've joined TI:ME-an organization devoted to music/technology integration. I am using ideas and recommendations in class. I have started to share this information with my school community (and beyond if anyone reads my blog). I think I'm on the right path. I hope that at the end of this eight week journey I am able to find ways to enhance my teaching and student learning through the use of my PLE.

Friday, February 11, 2011


If that title is not a sign of the times I don't know what is. A dear friend of mine, Wendy Drexler, is co-teaching an online class on "personal learning environments." The beautiful thing about this class is it's free! That's right, free. This MOOCs (massive open online course) is open to anyone who had an internet connection. Follow this link to register through the University of Florida.

I had already created a PLE for myself before I knew the term existed. Last school year we were asked to create blogs to highlight what was happening in out classrooms. So, I created two blogs- one for school, and one as an outlet for my crafty side. I also set up an iGoogle page so I could follow RSS feeds and posts from people who did not use Blogger. Before I knew it I was connected to over 250 people and organizations around the world.

Through these connections I have shared my knowledge and learned about sewing, music pedegogy, technology integration, and so much more. Forming these connections and developing these relationships has taken a lot of my time. However, I am motivated to share and learn from people who I otherwise would not have the opportunity to meet.

These 250+ connections are my PLE. I've created my own online community. I decide with whom to connect, how ofter to interact, and how much effort I want to put into these relationships. In this community I have different ways to connect with people, or PLN (personal learning networks). Blogger, Twitter, and Etsy are a few of my PLNs.

One of my reasons for taking this course is that I would like to help my students learn more about PLEs. As a music teacher I see my students once a week. This does not leave me a lot of time to start a meaningful program in my classroom. So, I am hoping to be able to reach out to teachers at my school so that we can work together on this goal with our students.